Start listening please…

This started as a FB -post, but I want to elaborate.

For the love of humanity, start LISTENING to each other instead of wanting to be right. So right, you are righter than the other person. What bullcrap. We all have our truths!

When you are in any form of a relationship, anytime you start fighting because you want to be right, you stop LISTENING to what the other person has to say! And if you do this enough times, the relationship will suffer to the the point of breaking. Whether they are your other significant one, a friend, a family, a sibling, a parent, a son or daughter. The truth is always in the middle

We all have our truths and your truth does not diminish the other persons truth! Entire groups of people are doing this right now and since everybody is at home right now everybody is posting all kinds of this I AM RIGHT crap. AND MY RIGHT IS THE ONLY RIGHT THERE IS! It’s really getting annoying.

Learn from the past, but leave the past in the past! I don’t care who was FIRST in “inventing” slavery. Fact is a certain people are still being treated badly today because of it. Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. I have been racially profiled multiple times and I work my ASS off and pay a whole bunch of taxes. I am being the best me I can be and yes some of my country-men can be real A-holes. But guess what: being an a-hole has nothing to do with cultural background, what country you’re from, skin-color or education. Some people are just a-holes. And they have their reasons and hurts I am sure, but that doesn’t mean you get to treat me like shit. That’s what my last relationship taught me.

If you’re having a discussion within any type of relationship, keep to the topic at hand. Don’t bring in the past or hypothetical futures. If I was wearing a shirt I used to wear in my previous relationship and it hurts my current girlfriend, I get rid of it! It’s a piece of cloth! People will always matter more.

And every person is that person. I don’t represent the entirety of Suriname, I represent me! One person that discriminates does represent not the entire race/country. Those a-hole cops don’t represent the entire police force. There are reasons people turn to crime. They are different for every person and don’t represent all people coming from that neighborhood or cultural background.

For the love of humanity, stop it! Everybody has their truths and everybody matters. If you don’t heal your wounds you will bleed on those who didn’t cut you. That ex that hurt you and gave you a trauma is not the one you are in a relationship with today. And if something hurts, something hurts. The other party shouldn’t have to explain why it hurts, why would they lie? Where is all this distrust coming from if you’ve never even met the person?

Please….just listen.

Looking forward by looking back


It’s been hella busy. I haven’t gone a single day in the last month or so without something relatively major that is happening that I need to address. Which means I cut into my personal time to the point that I almost have no downtime at all. On top of that I am building the new back office of Just Jason which takes up a whole bunch of time.


If you look at everything Just Jason, we are actually doing excellent. Of course there are hiccups, but the growth is still incredible! 7 years in, still growing. And as I transfer our old sign-ups to the new system I come across my very first sign-up list.

9 people..
Let me repeat that 9 people!!

I have to stop for a sec as I get emotional at that really hard time, because you can’t navigate our new sign-up lists by scrolling alone. You have to start a search immediately. am still very very thankful. Everybody that comes back straight after they had to leave for a while. The way our team has grown, how our showteams are growing, how PEOPLE are growing!

Which is why I work so hard. And when this system is ready I’ll have more time to dance & choreograph more.

We are definitely in a brand-new fase which comes with new challenges that drain my energy and new things that worry me. We’ll need to shift our focus to take care of these new challenges.


I am not alone in this anymore

Which I need to remind myself of more often to get rid of that 9 people trauma I started off with. These people have grow, so many have my back in their own way which is another reason to be emotional.

And as a form of therapy I’d like to end this post with the one thing that worries/hurts me the most. I’ve worked extremely hard for 7 years to pour all I have to create the best dancers I can without it going to their head, staying humble. Spreading the philosophy of dance is very powerful, but it is just dance. Don’t abuse it.

And it hurts to hear comments being made that the level of dance at our place is too high. That my guys and especially my ladies don’t get asked to dance to the point that it frustrates them because they didn’t get asked when they started because they weren’t wearing some mini-skirt and now they don’t get asked because they are too good.

It’s like all your hard work has exactly the opposite effect of what you wanted to achieve.

But I do promise all my JJ dancers this: I will keep working hard to figure out this challenge as well and together we’ll overcome it just like we’ve overcome everything to this day, together.

Because after the hurt is gone, it becomes the fuel to my fire

Enjoy your dance everybody! No matter your style or level..

Stick to your…swords

This story takes place back when 12 year old me was still in Suriname. Imagine a world without internet….hard huh? That’s what we had back then. We would go fishing, play football, basketball, hangout and do kid/teen stuff and also play a whole bunch of videogames.

We were very dependent on the few of us (or their family) that either went on vacation in America to bring back the newest games or had some way of ordering it through some relative over there.

Since we had no internet, I had no exposure to anything related to anything Fantasy, medieval, sword, magic, dungeons & dragons, lord of the rings and so forth. I didn’t even know I had an affinity for these things.

Then one of our friends comes back with two games: Castlevania 3 & Final Fantasy. Everybody flocks to Castlevania and even though I think that is a cool game, I am totally obsessed with that Final Fantasy game…and I am the only one of my friends that is. That game was quickly dismissed as: It sucks, there is no action. But I myself couldn’t stop playing it.

Everybody starts mocking me and asks why would you play this

when you could be playing this!

They literally don’t do anything in the game Jason. They just walk forward and there is no action happening! You’re so weird Jason…

Now all these years later I can show you why I was so obsessed with that game, because while the screen shows all this static action, in my head this was happening:

And we’re getting this version next year! Can’t tell you how hyped I am!

The moral of the story is two-fold. Don’t let anybody dissuade you of the things you like, no matter how weird or nerdy. (assuming you don’t negatively impact your life or others)

And secondly, people’s “gifts”, natural born abilities will display themselves pretty early on in life. No, mine wasn’t dance, I had to learn that and make an actual effort to get good at it. Mine was was creativity and imagination. It’s not even a want, but a need, something that fuels me in my job and my day to day life. I was just blessed to find an outlet for it in dance. All that was already in a twelve-year old. I just had to find a way of life where I get to express it.

I remember my dad asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. And my answer was: Inventor! And he immediately went: You can’t make a living off of that! Considering what I do for a living, I kind of am an inventor…and I am making a living off of it.

Your gifts will show themselves, don’t rationalize them away!

Law of attraction

You ever get up out of bed and even before your even fully awake and before the day starts, you stub your toe? What is the first thought that enters your mind? Oh it’s going to be one of those days….and you want to crawl back in bed and just let the day pass hoping that tomorrow it will have passed.

I truly believe that. The law of attraction, or the more negative version of it: Murphy’s law. When you are in a certain wavelength you only attract things of that same wavelength and you keep attracting it.

I’ve been having one of those weeks and it hasn’t been this bad in a long time. Things keep happening and you keep having to pour in buckets of energy just to keep things on track.

The trick is to be aware of your wavelength and to quote the Peter Pan movie, Hook: “Find your happy thoughts.” And now that I’ve found mine I can feel the wavelength change.

First happy thought: My lady still cares for me the same way after 8 years of being together…if not more. And when I get one of these periods, she still listens to me and goes out of her way to make sure she helps me out in any way possible even when she’s absolutely not 100%. She still needs to see me, needs to hear me and express that she wants/needs to be with me after all this time. And speaking form experience, that is not always the case after a long time of being together.

Second happy thought: We helped two couples set up their wedding dance this month and I got to see one live and the second one was sent in yesterday. Not only am I proud of the end result, but the joy in their voices and eyes is a genuine blessing. That is what dance is for!

And then there is Just Jason, happy thought number 3. The big energy hog and bigger blessing giver that is Just Jason. I am so happy that we are at a point where there are multiple people ready to take over each others classes if needed. Everybody gives 100% if not more and making sure we keep running when tackling their assigned tasks.

When I hear from our current and former students that the structure of our classes works! Structure my peoples, bringing knowledge, people-skills and creativity together! And a big thank you to all of you helping us spread the word that we actually do what we say. Keep spreading the word so people can understand the fundamentals of Salsa, Bachata and be able to improvise (a bit) and actually dance to the music.

Just Jason is definitely entering a new phase once again and that’s why it’s hogging so much energy, because we have to make another decision every step of the way and thus weigh the pros and the cons a thousand times and another thousand times over.

But it’s working and on top of that we have exciting plans for the future! Our new student choreography project is done. Our new (first time!) student Bachata-project is about to start. We have 2 pro-shows in the works, 1 that is done which we are perfecting, 1 semi-pro project and if that isn’t even enough, we still have MORE plans.

And all of them boil down to one simple thing: Yes we want to improve the level of dance. Yes we want to challenge people to become better dancers. But at the end of the day, we want to spread that joy that those 2 couples experienced at their wedding dance. We want to do that on show level and on social dance level. And you don’t need to remember steps or patterns, need a fancy high level, or flashy lifts & dips to achieve that. Once you understand that, this beautiful thing will become even more beautiful. This als goes for our performances in a certain way, although we do perform a choreography (with sometimes lifts & dips) for our shows. Dance is more than just steps, patterns, choreo, lifts & dips.

I am happy & proud to still be doing this full-time going into my 8th year. I am happy & proud of all the things we have achieved and I can tell you now that I am already proud & happy of the things we are setting out to achieve. And I will keep doing my part and setting ships to sail.

Is it finally easy after so many years? Not at all.
It is worth it? HELL YEAH.

Bring it on
I be ready

Happy thoughts….


Hey peoples,

I am feeling a bit creative so here come a couple of stories.

I heard a saying once that goes: “Women are the glue of the family” Which I definitely think is true, because they tend to keep all these details about people, things & relationships in their head and because they are very emotional beings they also act upon this knowledge and thus bring everybody together.

It is this attention to detail that usually makes them queen of the household too, whether they clean it themselves or keep tabs on what needs to get done in the house. (which is why we guys always get lists of things that need to get done)

So everything has a place in the house and if more than three things are not in it’s place, the house is messy! Sound familiar gals & guys that share a household? Don’t get me wrong, this is a good thing and keeps things nice and orderly.

But why are all my shoes designated to the bottom row of the shoe rack? What shoe-God came down and appointed all her shoes to have the top rack and mine the bottom ones?? I say it’s time for a shoe revolution!!

But don’t tell her, or else I’ll get in trouble…..

Jetlagged & a shitty cat

Good morning world,

It is now 5:00 in the morning and I am up at weird times because I visited my hometown of Suriname which has a -5-hour difference and I came back home the day before yesterday. Not only am I up at a very weird hour, I was awakened by a strange sound and got up to the sight of my 2nd cat dragging his butt on the floor. (without the context it is actually a really funny sight, but it’s not funny because you know what follows next)

Cat-owners already know what that means: There is shit stuck to his fur. And as all cat-owners will attest to, the thing that cats really don’t like is getting handled by the tail, especially at the base. And of course, there where the shit-sticking usually occurs.

I just came back from vacation, so we are out of wet wipes which means I have to grab a roll of toilet paper, bring the cat to the bathroom, close the door and proceed to hold the cat so he doesn’t run trying to get paper off the toilet roll, get it wet, hold him down and wipe his butt. All with one hand. Meanwhile, the other cat is meowing outside the door, complaining that she wants in too (she has no idea what the hell she wants to get herself into) and I am trying to shush her through the door so she doesn’t awaken my girlfriend, while I am wiping down my other shitty cat.

And while I am doing this, I notice something weird…the little guy is purring! I don’t know how to process this information. On one hand, I think the world of him trusting me enough that he purrs in a situation that would set any cat off and on the other hand it is completely offsetting that he is enjoying this butt wiping in the middle of this chaos.

I guess this is what it’s like to have kids..are you trying to say something God?

Anyways, I might as well get some coffee and start my day.

Good morning world!

Just Jason

I just typed up a document entitled:

Just Jason – phase three

That part alone is insane. As usual the future is scary and exciting at the same time. It’s so busy, my brain shuts down randomly and I could sleep for most of the day if you let me. But Just Jason is doing really well by the grace of God.

I had no clue if I would ever get this far. And I didn’t, we did. That word, we, that was very scary for me to write the first time. It’s like your asking other people to co-parent your child and even though you see them and their capabilities, your past trauma is yelling at you: DONT DO IT!

Yet you know that this is the only way forward. As Sir Richard Branson says: Fear is peeing your pants, courage is operating in wet pants. I am proud of where we are, where we are going, what we stand for and the corner we’ve carved out for ourselves. People first, a humane company where everybody is allowed to be themselves.

I am also very proud of this:

The business-side of things is very tough and when I started my mom said: This will harden you, just wait. We’ll talk again in five years. And I am proud that I have toughened up, but can still be the soft invisible force that guides people even though myself and my philosophy get tested again and again.

In terms of me as an entrepreneur, a teacher and a choreographer, this was very liberating to find this clip:

Two masters at their craft that apparently work completely different and Mr Martin himself questions his choice on choosing writing as his profession.

I do that all the time. Anytime I am stuck creating a choreography. Anytime something new pops up that I have no clue how to deal with. Or the company grows so fast that I can’t keep up physically and mentally. I gain so many new dancers and subscribers every course, yet I worry about the 2 that leave and I never got to know why.

But these things keep me sharp, these things make me find the energy to learn new skills and confront things I’d rather not confront. It makes me a better teacher, a better choreographer and a better entrepreneur. When in doubt, I research more, I train more and I ask myself hard questions.

Thank you to all that choose us as your dance-teachers. As we grow into this new phase, we are looking towards the future and there are exciting (and scary) things.

So thank you once again to all that make JJ what it is and remember: It’s supposed to be fun!

7 years…

So here we are…7 years.

Seven years ago, the shit hit the proverbial fan. I lost everything: My home, work & relationship. And guess what, 7 years before that I also stepped out of a 7-year relationship.

That one seemed to be perfect on paper. She was an academic, I was an academic, she was Surinamese, I was Surinamese. We both had idealistic plans to go back home and help build up our country. (I still have plans!) But something wasn’t right. The magic was gone after all those years.

It didn’t feel special. And when love isn’t enough, when your foundation is rocky, the daily annoyances start to take over. Every time a little bit more and every time a little bit worse. Until it was actually done, but we were both unwilling to see it. It took the advice from close friends to have me finally make that decision to call it quits.

I stepped out of that relationship after 7 years and decided to pursue the thing I experienced as magical: dance. And I chose a partner that danced too, to pursue magical things. Guess what: Dance was still magical, the relationship wasn’t. 7 years…again

Now here we are again, today marks the 7th year me and Melissa are together. 7 years into this relationship, into this new company, this new life. I now understand why things had to happen the way they did. And it makes me think of this: I see so many people craving a relationship, or wanting to be married really bad. But guess what people, that’s only the start. The real work comes after. And even if you have a rock-solid foundation of Love, communication, and trust, it is still something you have to put effort into every day.

And still there is no guarantee that the relationship will last, that should keep you sharp.

I saw a beautiful quote a long time ago: A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other. But as always, there is a catch. And that is: a relationship will expose your true self. And the things affecting your relationship are probably the things you are destroying yourself with.

In other words, work on yourself.

And that is what makes this 7-year cycle feel different now. The pendulum has swung back and forth with us. She chose me when I had nothing and I have always been there when she needed me. Times have been good, times have been difficult, but throughout it all, we never stopped caring for one another. That is where the magic comes from! When you’re in the middle of a heated argument and you see someones love shining through the pain in their eyes. When such a proud person is willing to show you at her most vulnerable so you understand how much you mean to them. When we both are willing to go the distance, look past hurts, scars and baggage to make it work. That’s how it stays magical.

Keep working on yourself! I casually jot that down, but it is really hard to do. Looking at yourself, really looking at yourself is scary. But so very crucial. Not just for your relationship. but for yourself. The more you are at peace with yourself, the more things fall into place.

I think it’s unreasonable for me to wish you a life filled with just Rainbows and Sunshine, but I’d rather wish that your hardships teach you lessons to build a better future.

Happy Anniversary babes. Here’s to keeping the magic.

Duurt te lang…

Good morning internet peoples,

It is 5 in the morning and I am driving towards the office of my accountant to deposit my numbers for the 4th quarter of 2018. Because I am already way past the deadline, I took some time off after arriving home from class and proceeded to finish up this task.

As I am driving, the song I am playing is: duurt te lang which translates to it’s taking too long. Though the song is about something completely different, the words seep into my soul and manifest what has been in my thoughts lately: It’s taking too long..and it hits hard.

As I am thinking this a car decides to impatiently pass me on the right. Apparently, I am taking too long for him/her is my first thought, as I smile because my brain is being weird again. Secondly, I wonder why he or she is in this much of a rush this early in the morning. And my third thought is that we will most probably meet up at the next traffic light.

And we do…

And right there is the lesson. It might seem that people are getting ahead and you aren’t, but they actually aren’t. I truly believe that everybody has his or her own pace in life (and dance) and that it should be dictated by yourself and not society at large. And then I remember that when I started Just Jason, I used to take the bus to the accountant and walk back home for about 1 to 1,5 hours to save a bit of money.

Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely not ungrateful and have absolutely achieved things I never thought possible. I have found an incredibly beautiful and supportive dance-home and we have grown from 20 students to over 200 in just over 6 years. And I am still incredibly proud of our first show: Flor Palida. Something I will treasure, not just because of how it came out for a first project, but how we got there.

Just know that behind the scenes I am grinding it out for you guys. Working hard, but yes I am still having fun. The thing is, my dreams are wild and huge. And the bigger they are the more time it takes. But then again, owning a dance-school and working as a self-employed Salsa-teacher was also an out there idea at the time, yet here we are. I’ve done it…a second time! And considering where I was mentally, financially and emotionally after I left my last dance-school, I’d say this one counts even more.

The thing is, I believe in dance. I’ve seen it change caterpillars to butterflies. I’ve seen it give people a healthy outlet, including myself. I’ve seen it recharge people and be unafraid to be themselves. But because I believe in it so strongly, I care for it so strongly as well.

And as the saying goes, strength can also be a divine weakness. So I care too much when I see people teaching weird things and instilling wrong beliefs in their students. (they trust you for God sake!) I care too much when people abuse the power of dance. I care too much when I see people being attracted by all that flash and no substance. Or when I see people not willing to come out of their comfort zone and look down upon others doing the exact same thing.

But as long as that care falls upon those that benefit from it, I will keep grinding on. I will keep investing in people because they, in turn, make Just Jason thrive. And because I know that the only thing keeping people from becoming the butterfly I believe is in everybody, is the cocoon of their own insecurities

The number of people I have lost to flash or wanting to just be in their comfort zone and not be pushed further is insignificant compared to the number of people that have been with us forever or have come back. But that’s the problem with me, I really don’t think that anybody is insignificant. Which sometimes tends to backfire. But thank God there are so many of you willing to take in anything we throw at them and/or listen to me ramble.

Thanks to you all for enjoying this as much as I do. And note to self: the bigger the dream, the more time it takes…

(future self: remember you were here before)

Hip-Hop Lyricists

So I’ve been on a hip-hop binge lately. I binged on a particular set of tracks that struck a nerve with me and my own craft.

Salsa is now an industry that has proven it’s staying power and has given me a way to get better at my craft while earning an honest living. But that commercialism is a double-edged knife. I do my best to respect my craft and be a proper representative of the art, the culture and the history but sometimes when I look around me, the first thing that comes up in my head is: What the hell is going on?

The same thing is happening to hip-hop. It is now a mainstream form of music when it was still underground not too long ago. But now that it is commercialized it is an industry, meaning there is money that needs to be made and sometimes (or a lot of the times) it’s only about the money and not about the art. Just look at the song Gucci Gang that has 835 million views with lyrics about nothing on youtube and at the remix of that same song that has some crazy rap (rhymes and poetry) going on in it about the life of an artist trying to make it, but only has 53 million views. A good beat is half the work, but it takes more than that if you ask me!

The binge was sparked by Eminem’s new album and fired up by the beef between him & Machine Gun Kelly where he lyrically tore his diss down completely. That’s emotion, that’s art.

There is a definite link between Salsa & Hip-Hop, but to me personally, these are the lines that struck a chord with me and the state of the Salsa-scene at the moment.

People are like: Get Money. Get Fame. No respect for the Game.

To take a quote from one of the pioneers of Salsa-dance:
People walking around like they are God’s gift to dance.

Just know if they are, they probably aren’t….

So here are some of my favorite lines in Hip-Hop at the moment:

Eminem – The Ringer

Do you have any idea how much I hate this choppy flow
Everyone copies though? Probably no

These are things that I’d rather do than hear you on a mic
Since nine-tenths of your rime is about ice
And Jesus Christ man
How many times is someone gonna f*ck on my b*tch

Cause you missed the line and never caught it
Cause it went over your head, because you’re too stupid to get it
Cause you’re mentally retarded, but pretend to be the smartest
With your expertise and knowledge, but you’ll never be an artist
And I’m harder on myself than you could ever be regardless
What I’ll never be is flawless, all I’ll ever be is honest

KRS-One – MC’s act like they don’t know

You could be a mack, a pimp, hustler or player
But make sure live you is a dope rhyme sayer

Too many MC’s take that word ’emcee’ lightly
They can’t Move a Crowd, not even slightly
It might be the fact that they express wackness
Let me show ya whose ass is the blackest

Some MC’s don’t like the KRS but they must respect him
‘Cause they know this kid gets all up in they rectum

KRS-One – Step into a world

We only get better and only better we have gotten

Yo I’m strictly about skills and dope lyrical coastin’
Relying on talent, not marketing and promotion
If a dope lyrical flow is a must
You gots to go with a name you can quickly trust

Stop wastin’ your money on marketing schemes
And pretty packages pushin dreams to the beams
A dope mc is a dope mc
With or without a record deal, all can see
And that’s who krs be son
I’m not the run of mill, cause for the mill I don’t run

No past rappin’, youth trackin’, talent lackin’
Mc’s more worried about their financial backin’

Don’t you think by now the number one spot I’m not concerned with it
The course of rap I’m turnin’ it
Back to that good old fashioned way of getting cash money by earning it
No bogus hocus pocus, I bring back to focus
Skills if you notice my position is lotus
Now quote this, mc’s are just hopeless
Thinkin’ record sales make them the dopest

Eminem – Lucky you

Can’t f*ck with you rappers, you practically suckin’
You mighta went platinum, but that don’t mean nothin’

Keep all of the money, I never wanted the lifestyle
I just pray to God that my son’ll be alright now
I said ain’t no love for the other side
Or anyone who ever want smoke
When I die I’m goin’ out as the underdog who never lost hope
You in the wrong cab down the wrong path
N***a wrong way, wrong road
Snakes in the grass tryna slither fast
I just bought a f*ckin’ lawn mower

I done won a couple Grammys but I sold my soul to get ’em
Wasn’t in it for the trophies, just the f*ckin’ recognition
F*ck’s the difference?
I’m that cracker, bend the law, fuck the rules
Man I used to risk it all, now I got too much to lose
I been eatin’ long enough, man my stomach should be full
I just ate, lick the plate, my buffet, lucky me

But nothin’ is feeling like anyone has any f*ckin’ ability
To even stick to a subject, it’s killin’ me, the inability to pin humility
Hatata batata, why don’t we make a bunch of f*ckin’
Songs about nothin’ and mumble!
And fuck it, I’m goin’ for the jugular
Shit is a circus, you clowns that are comin’ up
Don’t give an ounce of a motherf*ck
About the ones that were here before you to make raps, let’s recap
Way back, MC’s that recap and tape decks
ADATs, where the G Raps and Kanes at?
We need 3 Stacks ASAP, and bring Masta Ace back

Eminem – Fall

These rappers are like Hunger Games
One minute, they’re mocking Jay
Next minute, they get they style from Migos, then they copy Drake
Maybe I just don’t know when to turn around and walk away

Joyner Lucas – Gucci Gang Remix

All you new rappers don’t be talkin’ ’bout shit except doin’ drugs
Wonder how you got a name
Sippin’ lean, takin’ E, Percocets, Purple drank, Xanax, everything sound the same
Bunch of drug addicts in the house of pain

Gucci, Fendi, Louis, Prada, Dolce
Back when I was broke and no one know me
I couldn’t afford it and now that I got the money I don’t even want this shit ’cause it ain’t for me 
I always been myself, you dont know me
Yeah I was so depressed, I was lonely
The man on the horse, all I had was Ralph Lauren

You wonder what’s happening
I am flipping new syllables, acronyms
I guess I ama practice it
You f*ckers are f*cking embarrassing
You ain’t gonna be happy when I am on top and I am gonna be popping

Atlantic told me that my flow a hundred
But my album ain’t come unless I got a f*ckin’ single
Well I don’t give a f*ck about no air record
I just remix your shit and get big off it
I just murder every mother f*cking beat while I am dreaming of gettin’ paid in my mother f*ckin’ sleep, goddamn

Joyner Lucas & Chris Brown – I don’t die 

Mind your motherf*ckin’ business, ain’t nothin’ you gotta see
How you all up in my shit when you got more problems than me?
Yeah, I’m cool but you don’t wanna see that other side of me
And my ni**as mobbin’ deep, hoe, I’m a fuckin’ prodigy
I know, I know that you been envy, b*tch, it ain’t that hard to see
Don’t you dare go fix your mouth to tell me that you proud of me
Ain’t no choice to me but loyalty still means a lot to me
Some ni**as’ll gon’ chop my arm right off and still reach out to me
I know you probably want that

Don’t get shit f*cked up, just ’cause I ain’t got no ice on
Don’t mean I am not Sub-Zero, I should freeze you hoes at night time

Ménage on my mind , I’ve been on my grind
Been through so much, sometimes think that God ain’t on my side

One day y’all gon’ see me , I make shy look freaky
I make dry look greasy, I make hard look easy

Why you wanna hate on progress?
Why you wanna keep me in the projects?
Ni**a, why you wanna eat off my check?
That’s some weird ass shit, you suspect
That’s a weird ass bitch, don’t trust that
Shut the hell up, a nigga ain’t done yet
All these shots, are you niggas havin’ fun yet?
I’ma do it by the book so run that

You want that ambulance to pick me up and take me on that ride, yeah
Hoping that they don’t revive a ni**a and bring me back to life
And you shot me down, shot me down, shot me down, shot me down, shot me down
That’s all right, I don’t die

Also check this kid out, he was 16 when he recorded this! There is still cool shit out there behind the sh*t we get spoonfed. Glad he got his 26 million views because he deserves it, but that is nothing compared to the song this was based on. (289 million!) Someone sign this kid!